BeautiFLY Your Life – Installment #5

I have performed many makeovers.
I’ve seen the recipients lives’ change in an instant, and viewing this transformation first hand is breathtaking.
Having said this, I know in my heart that there is more to this story. Witnessing this process got me thinking. I wanted to go deeper, go beyond the serums and creams promising a temporary change and towards a truer, more authentic beauty. I wanted to uncover the meaning of an ultimate makeover.
An amazing woman came on my show promoting her book on journaling. Who knew such a simple exercise would open the doors to my heart and soul? Speaking one’s truth can sometimes be a bit confronting; possible resentments and disappointments left unresolved. My emotional load had become very heavy, and I didn’t even know I was carrying one.
Once I started journaling, I couldn’t stop. I committed fully into looking at my own life and how I HONESTLY felt about certain events. I realized that I made some decisions about myself along the way; decisions as a young girl that were not accurate and currently no longer serve me. Quite possibly, living my life from this place actually may be keeping me stuck and not living at my highest potential. I started to realize that I was not speaking my truth. So now I’ve decided to face my fears/truths.
Through journaling, I chose to look over my past experiences with a fine toothed comb; actually, I looked over every last thought. The good, the bad, and the ugly put down on paper and then released – burned, cut up, or thrown away in the nearest coffee house trashcan. What a concep!. Finally getting rid of the junk in the trunk (so to speak…) that I’ve carried around unconsciously for years, just gone and tossed away.
What have I discovered, you ask? Well, let’s just say, the truth. My truth. Not anybody else’s. I now understand that uncovering and releasing my personal truths without judgement is the most freeing thing I’ve ever done. Now I have the space for the new and beautiful possibilities that lay before me. I believe this is the path to connecting to our real true beauty at our core. This is the “Ultimate Makeover.”
So, ladies, you can try all of the different beauty tips and tricks you like, and believe me, a lot of them do work. But perhaps consider “The Ultimate Makeover.” This long-lasting, deep makeover might just be the best beauty investment you’ll ever make.
– Jan Ping
Read this article in the digital issue of Breast Cancer Wellness Magazine on page 24!