BeautiFLY Your Life – Installment #2

I’ve taken to rituals, symbolically stating my heart’s desire and doing something “special” to make it real. I consciously declare things that make me happy, smile or give me that feeling of chills. I light my favorite candle and give it away to the universe with full expectation that it will manifest as if I were a child and had a magic wand. This process has become a part of my daily activities.
Acknowledging the beauty of things on the outside is essential for me and its value is noted. However, when it comes to myself, I shy away from it for fear of seeming selfish and self-focused. Appreciating myself is something I seem to have to work at. And from what I can tell, as a woman, I’m not alone.
I was recently publicly acknowledged for my work. It is unusual in my field due to the nature of my role in the entertainment industry. As this was happening, I noticed that I was uncomfortable with it. I shifted in my seat. I felt a bit nervous and embarrassed. Although the work that was being acknowledged was worth it, the experience felt foreign.
This discomfort made me aware that self appreciation is as important as seeing beauty on the outside. WE MUST START from this place with a healthy dose of self-love as our basis in order to see the full magnitude of what is possible outside of ourselves.
What I am finding in the act of doing this ritual is that I am actually celebrating me! The process is causing me to see the value in both acknowledging and being acknowledged. Both have tremendous effects on our lives and are equally important. It makes for a very happy existence.
So ladies, focus on the beauty, inside and out. BeautiFly your life in everything you see and do.
– Jan Ping